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Research Interest

Research Interests

1) Iron-sulfide clusters and nanocrystals

The synthesis technology of Fe-S clusters and nanocrystals

The photoelectrical properties of Fe-S clusters and nanocrystals

2) Chalcopyrites Nanoarrays

The synthesis of CIS by templates, such as AAO, mesoporous SiO2

The photovoltaic properties of CIS nanoarrays

3) Bio-template nanostructure CIS

The synthesis of CIS by biotemplate, such as, butterfly wing, diatom, plant leaf.

The photovoltaic solar cell application

Semiconductor photovoltaic materials and devices



邮编:475004 电话:0371-22687375 E-mail:Yuanban2023@163.com

河南大学纳米科学与材料工程学院  版权所有@ALL Rights Reserved  技术支持: 蓝创科技