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Brief Introduction

Nano Structure and Nano-opotoelectric Device

The research group is mainly focusing on the preparation and processing of nanostructures, the characteristics of nano-scale optoelectronic transport, the control of nanostructures surface/interface and the research of new high-performance optoelectronic nano-devices & triboelectric nanogenerators.

    Nanostructures are a new level of understanding. With the special performance of nano-structure, a variety of high-performance nano-devices can be developed. Designing and constructing nanostructures to reveal and regulate the special properties of nanostructures is an important way to achieve this goal. Based on this, we firstly study the central issue that builds nano-structures with surface/interface photoelectric properties. With the goal of developing new high-performance optoelectronic nanodevices, we have conducted systematic research work on the construction of nanostructures, the characterization and regulation of optoelectronic properties on surface interfaces and optoelectronic nanodevices. Over the years, we have developed the schottky barrier nano-optoelectronic devices, new switches and amplifiers, new quantum effect optoelectronic devices, nano-generators and self-actuated nano-optoelectronic devices.

   We have published more than 40 SCI papers in the journal, such as Adv. Mater., ACS Nano, Adv. Energy Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Angew. Chem., Nano Energy, Appl. Phys. Lett. etc.. Three NSFC projects: including Outstanding Youth Foundation NSFC and General Program NSFC, etc. Five provincial projects, including Outstanding Young Scientist of Technological Innovation, Henan Province Principle investigator of Innovation Team, Henan Province Outstanding Academic Leader of Education Department, Henan Province etc. Moreover, Prof. Cheng have got the 2nd prize for Progress in Science and Technology, Henan Province.



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