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Research Interest

Research Area

Our research group mainly focuses on the synthesis and application of supramolecular self-assembled nanomaterials. In order to realize the control of the self-assembly process, we strive to find a simple, effective, economical, versatile and large-scale production technology of porphyrin controlled self-assembly. By selecting and designing the supramolecular interaction between molecules, the artificial control of the size, shape, composition, structure and arrangement of the assembly is realized. The mechanism of self-assembly and the effect of molecule packing on the performance of the final assembly are studied as basis, and the deep application of the assembly in the energy and biology fields is further studied. The main research work of our research group includes the following aspects:

1. Controlled self-assembly of novel functional nanomaterial

2. Design and preparation of new energy materials and their application in energy storage devices

3. Synthesis and electrochemical properties of self-assembled nanomaterials

4. Preparation of large-scaled order gold nanorods arrays and biology detection

5. Preparation of porphyrin @ inorganic nanocrystal co-assembled functional nanomaterial and biology phototherapy



邮编:475004 电话:0371-22687375 E-mail:Yuanban2023@163.com

河南大学纳米科学与材料工程学院  版权所有@ALL Rights Reserved  技术支持: 蓝创科技