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J.Phys.Chem.C: Professor Zuliang Du's group published a research on photoinduced electron transfer between quantum dots and C60 rods

来源: 河南大学纳米科学与材料工程学院    日期:2018-05-18   浏览次数:

Recently, Prof. Du Zuliang’s group has published an article entitled as “Quantum Dot Modified One-Dimensional C60 Nanorod in Situ Preparation and Photoinduced Charge Transfer” in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C.

Article link: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b06120

In this paper, the C60 rods adsorbed by CdSe/CdS/ZnS quantum dots QDs on the surface are grown by liquid-liquid interface method, and the interaction between the QDs and C60 is discussed. Fluorescence (PL) quenching, PL lifetime reduction, photovoltaic enhancement and photocurrent generation were observed for the composite system. The photoinduced electron tunneling process of CdSe/CdS/ZnS QDs and C60 rods in the composite system was studied. The physical mechanism of tunneling was also discussed.



【上一篇】:Professor Du Zuliang's research team published the research results of using nanoimprint technology to build patterned PEDOT:PSS layer to improve the efficiency of QLED devices in Nanoscale.

【下一篇】:J.Mater.Chem.A: Professor Sixin Wu's group published a research on regulating the starting location of front-gradient of CIGS solar cell



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