近期,杜祖亮课题组利用溶剂热法制备出NiO纳米晶,并将之作为空穴注入层构筑高性能红光QLED。这些结果对提高QD-LEDs器件的使用寿命具有重要意义。该研究成果发表在Organic Electronics(2017, 44, 189-197,SCI二区, IF=3.471)上。

Highly bright orange-red QLED with peak luminance up to ~25580 cd m-2, and current efficiency (CE) of 5.38 cd A-1are achieved successfully based on the high performance NiO HIL, further, the device obtained relative long operational lifetime of 11491 h, which has been improved by more than 6- fold as compared to 1839 h for the device based on PEDOT.
基于NiO纳米晶作为空穴注入层的红光QLED的亮度与电流效率分别可达25580 cd m-2和 5.38 cd A-1,最为关键的是,器件的使用寿命可达到11491 h,是以传统的PEDOT作为空穴注入层QLED器件寿命的6倍。